Monday, October 08, 2007

The Visitor's Guide to LSU: We Are Insane

Since I had to be the Honorable Baker today (now 50% more arbitrary and capricious!), had mock trial practice, and have about 5000 pages of PC to read, I am a little too busy to come up with original content.

Since I'm still on a high from the LSU-Florida game, I encourage you to go to everydayshouldbesaturday and read one Florida fan's brave journey to Tiger Stadium. It is not for the faint of heart. But it is a fairly accurate portrayal of Saturday Night at Tiger Stadium, a place once described by Bear Bryant as "like playing inside a drum." Or by our former coach like this, "At night, you can actually smell the bourbon on the field."

A sampling:
Tiger Stadium is proxy Mardi Gras. Something cuts Tiger Stadium loose from the fetters of reality. Perhaps it’s the brown liquor buzz peaking with the setting of the sun, or the lurid dark purple the sky turns just as the sun is sliding beneath the horizon, or the combined and complete attention of 92,000 people all focused on one communal point of attention. We’ve read about the intangibles of playing in a place like Tiger Stadium before–the vague “something” described alternately as “special,” “different,” or “MY GOD I’M NOT GETTING OUT OF HERE ALIVE”–and scoffed.

We scoff no more. It’s real, live, and tangible enough to hang your freshly slaughtered baby alligator carcass on in a pinch. (We met a tailgater who, in festive fashion, had slaughtered a baby alligator that morning in order to prepare it for the tailgate. Tiger meat’s a bit harder to come by. Thanks, Chinese Medicine black market!



Richard Pittman said...

I sure am glad the hated Yankees lost.

Poseur said...


I totally missed the Yankees choking in the postseason! I feel robbed! For the record:

A-Rod 4-15, 1 RBI, super choker
Jeter 3-17, 1 RBI, Captain Clutch

Yet the story is still somehow that Jeter is a clutch player despite the fact the Yankees have never won a World Series while he has been the captain. A-Rod, of course, is going to use this failure as an excuse to bolt NY and sign with the Cubs for $1 billion.

Richard Pittman said...

...and good for him. He's never done anything to piss me off, other than sign with the Yankees of course. Jeter just makes me want to puke. He's such a little drama queen on the field.

Unknown said...

So glad you found that article! I unfortunately had to work during the first half of the LSU game, but was able to catch it on TIVO for the 2nd half.