Sunday, October 14, 2007

Still Kicking

Yes, LSU lost. Yes, I watched. No, I have not harmed myself of others. Thank you for your concern. It was nice to know there was a Steve Suicide Watch as soon as the game went final. I am adult and I don't let a football game ruin my weekend. I have perspective on these sorts of things... it is not that big of deal. This is what mature adults do. It's just a football game at the end of the day.

Besides, I am blaming it all on Acosta.


Anonymous said...

If I wanted to use my uncanny power of badassness to make the tigers loose, I could have done it last week. Though, thanks to Osler, my ethical rules call for allowing champions to retain their championship status on their own. I had nothing to do with their loss. As you told me, they deserved it. Besides, they were my emergency backup team now that my horns have become obsolete for the rest of the season. I'm relying on the BOYS to pull it out for me. You bet I will be using some uncanny power today. Though, I used a lot of last week against Buffalo. That took some doing. I might not be fully recovered.

Oh, the woes of the amazing.....


Poseur said...

Here is the logic of blaming Acosta...

Before Acosta calls: 27-14 LSU.

After Acosta calls and comes over to watch the end of the game: LSU loses.

Clearly, the only thing which changed was his presence. Since A precedes B, it obviously caused B. Right?

Anonymous said...

i have often used that same logic to blame people (other than myself, of course) for carolina basketball losses and endorse its use in all sports related contexts.