Sunday, February 25, 2007

Oscar Night!

I like awards shows. I can't help it. I like all the red carpet stuff and I like the orchestra cutting off long acceptance speakers. I like the fact you can bet on the Oscars in Vegas (I want odds on Pan's Labyrinth taking Best Make-Up, and I'm only halfway kidding). I even like Joan Rivers and movie stars pretending not to loathe her with every fiber of their being.

So I'm excited about the Oscars, during which I'll be passionately rooting against Babel. And in case you missed it, the Razzie Awards were last night, honoring the worst movies of the year, and Little Man and Basic Instinct 2 cleaned up. I'm still stunned anyone thought Little Man was a good idea.

Then again, I still think Hudson Hawk was a good movie, so what do I know?


Poseur said...

I think Pan's Labyrinth was the best movie of the year. absolutely beautiful in the fairy tale parts and absolutely horrific in the Spanish Civil War parts.

I loved the movie and it really stuck with me. I've been running things over in my mind ever since seeing it - I've got my own theories about what it all means and all of the symbolism. Besides, it spawned one of my one-liners after we watched the movie:

"Apparently, fairies are like taffy."

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love Hudson Hawk, and I have damn good taste in movies thankyouverymuch.

Little Man was a funny idea back in the early 50s...when it was a Bugs Bunny cartoon.

Oh, and Happy Feet is still an abomination of marketing regardless of the content of the movie