Sunday, January 07, 2007

You're Fired

A kid I used to babysit is going to be on The Apprentice.

Which presents sort of a quandary. He was a really good kid, and my mom tells me he's grown into a really nice adult. Though my conception of him has him trapped at about age ten. The point is, I want to watch the show and root for him. He signed all sorts of releases and such so he couldn't tell his parents over Christmas how the show went, so he could lose tonight or he could have won the whole thing. We have no idea.

But that means I have to watch The Apprentice. And the idea of watching a show that feeds Donald Trump's considerable ego kind of pains me. Because I find Donald Trump to be one of the more contemptable people on the planet. So, if he's reading this, I am going to watch your stupid show. But only for as long Aaron has a chance to win.


Anonymous said...

Hmm. He's kinda cute. And plays/coaches baseball. And has a motorcycle. I'd hire him. ;)

But yeah. That show bites. And not in any way that could be mistaken for hott.

Poseur said...

He has a girlfriend, so you keep your paws off of him. Bad Shosh! Bad!

OsoDelSol said...

Every once in a while I am reminded of just how old you really are, and then my own aging-induced panic subsides.

Anonymous said...

No worries, he's too old for me anyway.