Thursday, January 11, 2007

Damn Dwarves

Last night, my right eye started to get extremely red. It didn't hurt or anything, but I was starting to look like the teacher in Daria. By the time I went to bed, the thing had swelled up to marginally gross proportions.

And then I woke up this morning, and while the swelling was gone and the redness is a lot less (but not so much less that Hollie wouldn't greet me with: "Ew. What's wrong with your eye?"), now it hurts like hell. It feels like there is a small dwarf in my eye socket stabbing the back of my eyeball. This is on the heels of mysterious small bruises appearing on my arm, which I had previously thereorized were caused by dwarves hitting me with sticks while I slept.

The conclusion is inescapable. Minature dwarves have declared war on me and are trying to kill me. I am willing to negotiate terms with them, not because I think they are going to kill me, but because this is getting irritating. besides, I'd like my peripheral vision back.


OsoDelSol said...

Do you remember the episode where her dad was breaking blood vessels in his eye?

I kinda miss Daria.

Poseur said...

Daria was a genius cartoon. And a spinoff from the even more genius Bevis and Butthead.

Anonymous said...

Remember when you wanted to go bowling for immunity day, and you gave me your bum knee for the evening? Well I got hit in the eye at work with a football last night, and I'm not nearly as swollen or sore as I should be. Clearly, the karma balanced out last night. Thank you.