Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Burning Email

From today's email:

"I just wanted to let everyone know that at Noon today the alarm system will be going off and the doors will lock."

Isn't it nice to know that the alarm will go off and then the doors will lock? So in case of fire, we will be alerted to the fact we are locked inside the building and are going to burn to death. I would prefer a system in which the alarm goes off and there is a way out of the building. I'd rather not be a burn victim. Though we know I'd be able to get a lot of damages in a successful suit against the school. Though they might get mad at me and not let me graduate in retaliation. So perhaps the lawsuit is a bad idea. Particularly the burning part.


Anonymous said...

God damn! They have got to be fucking kidding.

Word of advice: try to get out of the building BEFORE the fire starts.

Potted Plant

Anonymous said...

I too thought the fire drill was neat.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's the "We're Being Attacked By Zombies" alarm and not the fire alarm?

The V.R. said...

I would totally survive a zombie attack.

Baker, you can come with me. But only because I could outrun you if it came down to it.