Monday, March 05, 2007

Charitable Donations

I don't usually use the space to trumpet SBA events, but seriously, buy some immunity for Wednesday. All of the money goes to charity, so its one of those things where everyone benefits. It's time to channel Trail from 1st quarter and remember his lecture on how we lead charmed lives and need to give back to the community. Who knew Trail was big on karma?

The point is, its not a big deal to shell out 10 or 15 bucks to help out the Children's advocacy Center*. Even those of us living off loans can afford that price tag. So pony up. It's not about the immunity, its about giving a little something back.

*Ed. Note- Unless you're in PC. Then the price tag is much higher and has nothing to do with helping the kids and has everything to do with not getting reamed in class. But we can pretend you did it for the kids.


Praise the Highlander said...

Wasn't that Trail second quarter? Or are you talking about something other than what I am thinking of.

Poseur said...

I stand corrected. It was Trail version 2nd quarter.

Anonymous said...

I missed being able to buy today, but I will tomorrow, come hell or high water. I don't know how much immunity for PC is, but whatever it is, it will be well, well worth it.

And do you know what I'll do with the extra time? I'll read ahead so I'll have more time during minitrials. It's a disease.

Anonymous said...

It'll probably be $30 or PC, but that covers all classes. IT WAS MORE THAN WORTH IT (I would have paid more...much, much more).

Jon Swanburg said...

I kind of like theme parties, and I was kind of hoping immunity day would have something to do with looking like either a caveman or a lesbian because I have both of those costumes. Granted the only difference is the wig and number of drinks it takes to get into character but you know where I’m going with this.

What sort of prizes can I win without a costume?

Poseur said...

$30 will only get you immunity from Powell. I'm pretty sure that would still be worth it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah what gives with it only covering Powell? It's always been $30 for both.

Granted, $30 for Powell is still worth it, but geeze...

Poseur said...

It has since been updated to cover both classes. So, you're good for both Wren and Powell now.