Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Bear Mountain Picnic

I’m a little disappointed no one was mauled by a wild animal last night at the Zoo Party. Come on, what would be better when we compare how tough our schools are with fellow law students if we could whip out a death by bear?

“At Yale, we study 25 hours a day.”
“At Stanford, some guy had a nervous breakdown.”
“Oh yeah? At Baylor, we lost a 1Q because he was mauled by a bear. The next day the professors gave us extra work because he didn’t show up to class.”

Argument over.

Mixing law students, alcohol, and wild animals may not be the best idea ever. But there were free fajitas. Hopefully, we all made it out alive.


Jon Swanburg said...

Umm. . .the only wild animals at the zoo are the squirrels and they aren't attacking anyone.

Anonymous said...

ha ha baker got punked! i love it

Poseur said...

There are indeed bears at the Cameron Park Zoo. The fact the zookeepers did not release them on the unsuspecting law student population as we ate our fajitas is, I still maintain, a missed opportunity.

But those squirrels were untamed. Wild, I tell you.

OsoDelSol said...

Fear the hidden bears. Fear slightly less the giant tortoises.