Sunday, September 02, 2007

Michigan Loses And Laughs

You may be aware that Michigan, the winningnest college football program of all-time, lost a football game yesterday to Appalachian State, a 1-AA school whose biggest claim to fame before yesterday was that it was the college choice of Miss Teen South Carolina. So, this is a school that really stresses academics. This is the first time a top 25 team has ever lost to a 1-AA team, so way to go Michigan.

Now, I'll admit, my initial reaction was one of schadenfreude. That and celebrating with maniacal glee. Because, let's face it, part of being a sports fan is enjoying the misery of others. Particularly when you've adopted Baylor football as a pet, and the chances of them winning a game rest on their ability to beat teams like Rice, who also lost to a 1-AA team yesterday (Nicholls State... Louisiana represent!).

But I have to give it to Michigan fans, who have reacted with fairly good humor about the whole thing. The two biggest Michigan sports blogs have reacted in opposite ways. The M-Zone has gone into meltdown, posting pictures of the Hindenburg disaster. The MGoBlog has decided to change themes and rename the blog, "Kittens R Nice" and posted a bunch of pictures of kittens. Thank God for the internet.

The B never panics like this after a loss. The B is an expert on losing. Rooting for LSU is more fun, guys. And we have better food.


Senior Editor Red Andrews said...

Losing is like second nature to us. Its like learning to live with a disability.

Anonymous said...

app is coming off back to back championships in the IAA playoffs and were ranked No. 1 coming into the year. they are a good team that played a Michigan team that had a flawed defense to begin with and the Wolverines simply overlooked a team they could ill afford to overlook. they happy appies did the state of NC proud.

Anonymous said...

Eh. My football disappointment just decided to come early this year. Maybe somebody will remind the secondary that they should show up for the next game.
