Wednesday, September 05, 2007

License To Ill

They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but they are big fat honkin liars. I've been eating and apple a day, snacking on carrot sticks, and taking lots of vitamins. All in an effort not to get sick during PC.

Well, that one is out. I woke up in the middle of the night, sick. Well, dammit. I swear, this room is like a gigantic petri dish in which Baylor is harvesting the next superflu virus. I fully expect us to be recreating scenes from The Stand by next week. Hopefully there is a vaccine on the way before it comes to that.

For those of you I'm about to get sick because you have no choice but to sit next to me for the next few days... sorry. But those vitamins in all of the fruits and vegetables I'm eating have simply not helped. Which seems like a waste of fruits and vegetables.


Anonymous said...

Yeah...I'm going to have problems if more people start coughing during class. I'm already having a hard enough time hearing what the professors are saying when the people that are currently sick start to cough. We don't need more coughers.

Anonymous said...

I though it was a "snapple" a day.

And Texas Alum... all i have to say is "Sniiiiiiiifff, snif, snif, snif."



Poseur said...

I think my body is rejecting the healthy foods I've been eating. I should revert back to my standard pizza and beer diet and regain my former vigor.

Anonymous said...

sneefle sneefle

Anonymous said...

so far, my flintstones vitamin a day program has worked out nicely...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like famous last words to me Jeffy.

Anonymous said...

ha ha...can we get a petition together to stop the "sniiiif, snif, snif, snif"...Wipe...Repeat

We should at least sneak some beer into class and make a drinking game out of it. We would be wasted within the first hour of PC I

Anonymous said...

I remember the PC room as having a distinctive smell.

How could it not, with so many people sweating for so many hours in the same crucible?