Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Fall Down Drunk

I am proud to have starred in the new PC video, "guy failing the field sobriety test." I think wearing one shoe was the perfect touch to convey absolutely plastered. I'm a method actor, and I researched heavily for the role. I'd like to thank my director and fellow cast. Though the only thing I was drunk on were the delicious cookies from the Women's Legal Society. Yeah, yeah. A bake sale by WLS is supposed to be ironic. But those were good cookies.

Actually, I'm now looking forward to PC* when there is an off-chance I'd have to prosecute myself based on this video. Easiest. Cross Ex. Ever.

* Ed Note: No. I'm not.


Anonymous said...

you make me laugh--and this is the first time I have posted on a blog ever--cheers.

Poseur said...

Hey, thanks! I do appreciate random compliments.


Anonymous said...

You make me cry. And this is the 73d time I have posted on a blog.

Anonymous said...

You stole my job partner....I reckon I aughta exact recompense for this disrespect.*

I'll see you on the football field....7:00**. I do my killing after dinner.


*In reality, I was unavailable to make the drunk video. This is just an excuse to call the gimp out in flag football.

**Whenever the game is organized***

***These are definitely footnotes, not endnotes.