Sunday, November 04, 2007

Ancient Conceptions of Beauty

King Tut, the world's most famous pharaoh for apparently having the misfortune not to hide his burial site well enough three thousand years ago, had his face revealed to the public for the first time yesterday.

Here's how the curators describe his face:
"The face of the golden pharaoh is amazing," said Egyptian antiquities supremo Zahi Hawass, pulling back the linen bandages to reveal a body resembling a badly burnt skeleton.

"It has magic, it has mystery, it has beauty and his buck teeth are similar to the rest of his family's. Putting the mummy in this case will make the golden king live forever."

Now, here's photo:

We have rather different standards of beauty, me and Zahi. Though I am willing to concede Tut doesn't look a day over 2,000.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A simile:

Pharaoh is beautiful


The PR final was mostly about the ABA rules (as represented).