Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Last Acts of Law School

Packing up my life and moving to Dallas continues. Just a few more days until I go to the Big Moving Van in the Sky, and kiss off from the BLS. I cleaned out my locker today and took some really ugly clothes to Goodwill. All in all, a productive day. But before I go, I get to do my three last BLS acts.

ONE. Barrister one more time with Jerry. Jerry is just about the smartest person on the planet, and one of the nicest ones, too. We get to sit down a grill first years on con Law issues they don't understand, which will be great fun. It's one last chance to do something law school related with Jerry who I am proud to call a great friend. His friendship of me means one of two things: it means I'm am a pretty good guy to have someone so smart and decent who is willing to call me a friend OR it means Jerry is a terrible judge of character. We're leaning towards the latter.

TWO. Go to immunity day. Why the heck not? I'm not getting called on tomorrow. And hopefully we'll wander over to Scruffy's for one last hurrah at Scruffy's. Rumor has it, there is karaoke. I wouldn't know.

THREE. Get interviewed for a BLS promo video. Someone in the recruitment office had a sudden lapse of judgment and thought it would be a good idea to have someone talk to me and then get someone else to record it. and then possibly use part of the footage to convince people to come to Baylor. Really, who listens to me? I promised Becky I'd even shave, as I've been living out my unemployed hobo fantasies this week and I'm beginning to look like I live under a bridge.

Then it's Dallas, ho.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for us, not nearly as good of a story. Everyone purchased immunity for PC.