Thursday, March 20, 2008

Big D

Driving to Dallas in a monsoon was not fun, and there were actually times I thought I was going to die. Such is the way of the world. I didn't die, and I got to meet the new boss and find a new place to live. I am two weeks away from becoming a Dallas resident. Pretty cool.

However, today is my favorite day of the year. I will sit in a bar with tons of TV's and watch 16 basketball games, most of which involving teams I barely care about. Really, how awesome is the tourney? I will of course be passionately rooting for every double-digit seed, but especially UMBC (Go Retrievers!) and the B (Go Bears!).

1 comment:

Heather said...

I, too, woke up today and said, "This is the happiest day of the year." Unfortunately, I will have to settle for watching score trackers online while happily working least for today.