Monday, March 03, 2008

The Real World Beckons

I never knew doing nothing could be so rewarding. Free time is the greatest gift the world could give me post-Bar, and I am gleefully wasting time. I wandered around the HEB for two hours just because, well, I had nowhere else to be.

Eventually I have to get one of those job things I've heard so much about. Actually, I had an interview this morning and I made the rounds trying to drum up leads. So now that I've spent a glorious weekend doing absolutely nothing, it's now time to join the real world. If you happen to be an employer, feel free to hire me.


Anonymous said...

I'll give you a job changing records for me, because it's annoying having to run to the turntable every four songs. I'll pay you in chips.

Anonymous said...

Do you know how to sew? Can you do it quickly? Are you fluent in Mandarin?

I'll call.