Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Studying Still

You know, I thought graudating would make a big difference in my daily routine. And it has -- I'm studying even more. The Bar is just two weeks away and I'm woefully unprepared for it.

Though a Bar Exam with nothing but Con Law, Evidence, and Civ Pro questions would be cake. Is there a way to make that happen? I mean, I didn't really understand property the first time.


Anonymous said...

Seriously. This sucks. But, on the bright side, at least big trial is over.


Anonymous said...

UM...ditto. On the plus side, I have all new things to procrastinate with, like looking for a job! And BTW...I do NOT think that Con Law is an easy part of the exam [and I dont care what grade you made in that class!]



Anonymous said...

ok, Leigh I'm going to call this trademark infringement. Please discontinue all use of signatures phonically similar to "Love," with an anonymous post.


Mark Osler said...

Con law is easy. That's convicts, right? I love criminal stuff.


Prof. Osler