Thursday, August 30, 2007

Write What You Know

OK, I tried to talk about something other than Practice Court, but I think we can all agree by the almost incalculable lameness of the last post that we shouldn't try that experiment again. As Matt pointed out, we spend twenty hours a day doing PC, it is the only thing we can rationally talk about right now.

Which begs the question: how is Matt getting four hours of sleep?

So, my sole enjoyment has to come from the cases. So far, my absolute favorite fact has been the father who claimed that God provided him with cocaine in times of grief and sorrow. Which is the reason he got high when he watched his kids. With logic like that, it's a shock the court terminated his parental rights.

*Ed Note - It's probably an absolutely terrible idea to mention a case we have not gone over yet in Evidence on this blog. It only increases the chances Prof. Evidence is going to call on me, reach down my throat, and swallow my soul. And yes, I m worried that he is going to transform into a character from The Evil Dead. It's probably an even worse idea to mention this.


Anonymous said...

My favorite part of that case is when Child Services determined the children were in no immanent (sp?) danger.

If wasn't in PC, I'd laugh... maybe.

Anonymous said...

You know, it isn't Prof. Evidence's soul that is dead-- it's yours.

Inevitably, you will choose Him (Prof. Evidence) as your commencement speaker, out of your love for Him. It happens every year.