Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Imus the Not Funny

Don Imus, he of the famed "nappy headed ho" comment, is back on the radio. He, is of course promising to lead a national dialogue on race relations, which should be about as helpful as being lectured on nutrition by Rosie O'Donnell.

Seriously, can't he just stay off the air? It's not that I find him offensive, it's that I have never laughed once listening to his show. Not once. I don't think i'm alone in finding him not funny because never in my life has anyone walked up to me and said, "Did you hear what Imus said today?" Being funny ought to be a prerequisite for hosting a radio comedy show.

Apparently not. He gtes to stay on air just because he's always been on the radio.


Katy said...

OK, so I hate to be a stickler for the grammar - but alas, thats what I do....

ho - as you write it is not a correct word - the appropriate spelling is "who'e" as it is a shortened version of the proper word - "whore"

I also would like to note that my 11th grade English teacher taught us this as she was sick of reading inappropriate grammar and spelling on the bathroom stalls....

Poseur said...

Your 11th grade English teacher is wrong. That's right, wrong.

"Ho" is the proper spelling according to no less a source than the American Heritage dictionary.


"Who'e" would be an outdated spelling, probably in the development of the word. But spelling does develop over time, just check out the word "ketchup" or "catsup".