Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Flotsam and Jetsam

A grab bag of topics...

-- After yesterday's rambling, almost complete non-sensical post, Joe Posnanski goes off and says what I was trying to say, by posting about the virtues of smaller sports in his story about Rulon Gardner. It is insightful, well-written, and funny as hell. It exposes clearly why he is a professional writer and I am not. But it is a great insight on how to write a piece when there is almost TOO much material. Go read it. It's not great sportswriting, it's simply great writing.

-- Osler posted this writer giving advice to choosing a law school. I realize its a a humor piece and he's trying to crack a joke, but something about the inherent assumptions of the writer are inherently depressing. His advice can be boiled down to this: go out and choose a party school in which you won't work hard or learn anything because being a lawyer is a miserable life and you want to put off that misery as long as you can.

Now, I've been a lawyer for all of a month and a half, but that's contrary to my experience so far. Being a lawyer is a lot of work, but it's also a lot of fun. We have a client who I swear is completely insane, and I'm working on my first hot tubbing case. It's a blast.

His advice also can be boiled down to this: DON'T GO TO BAYLOR. Hey, Baylor is hard. And the grading curve is not generous. We work a lot. But I wouldn't trade my three years there for anything. His search seems based on finding a second undergrad experience. Look, I loved undergrad. and I partied my share at LSU. Hell, I partied your share as well. But the idea of doing it again just isn't that appealing to me. How long can one stay in a state of arrested development? Being a grown up ain't that bad.

Though I do agree that one should go South where the girls are prettier, the food is tastier, the weather is better, and the people are nicer.

-- My legal assistant wore a light green suit with a black top today. I only bring this up because I wore a black suit with a light green shirt. It was pointed out several times in the office that we were negatives of one another. I only point this out to demonstrate that I am pretty much a magnet of general mockery wherever I go.

-- Bottle Rocket is on TV. I still hate Wes Anderson, though.


Anonymous said...

Arrested Development is one of the greatest shows ever.

Just wanted to weigh in...

TJ said...

baker, i disagree with your summary of that article as "don't go to baylor."

if i weren't so tired, i'd explain. but you caught me at 10:41pm when i have to get up at 5am for a flight. but good to know you're having fun practicing law. i too, hope to have fun practicing law some day.

Poseur said...

Well, get to it when you get to it. Even if its on a later post. Go to bed.

And Arrested Development is a great show. And a decent rap group back in the day.

Anonymous said...

[a] it is only fun because you have a job...I might change my mind about my wonderful education at the BLS if no job comes my way soon. I think it might have been better to go to an easy school and end up with a job than tough it out for 2.5 years and have no job to show for it.

[b]who owns a light green suit??? I have never seen one in my life.
